This Earth Day, there are many ways that you can show your respect for the Earth. From planting a tree, to cleaning the ditches, or starting a new routine in your home or business that will help your reduce, reuse, or recycle. Every green effort counts to help the earth and its resourceful land, water and air.
At Baumgartner Environics, we are taking the importance of indoor air quality one step further, because not only is breathing clean air vital for human beings, but animals as well. The EPI Air System helps the livestock industry improve their in-barn air quality through dust reduction at the source. Our hypothesis is that cleaner air in livestock barns leads to improvement in animal growth and livability.
8 More Ways to Improve your Indoor Air Quality:
- Avoid second-hand smoke, and don’t smoke yourself.
- Get some houseplants! We all know that plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis, but a NASA/ALCA study also showed that many houseplants also remove harmful elements such as trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air.
Install a carbon monoxide detector to make sure your home stays free of this deadly gas. Also be sure to never let your car run while parked in the garage.
- Check your home for radon. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and is odorless and colorless. Tests can be purchased from the hardware store or requested from the EPA.
- Change the filters in your air conditioner and furnace before the heating and cooling seasons begin.
- Avoid using chemicals when you can. For instance, get no or low -VOC paints and non-toxic home cleaners and air fresheners. Try soy candles or homemade cleaners to keep it natural.
- Keep an eye out for visible molds in your home that could be dangerous and an indicator of moisture and bacteria problems.
- Open the windows, better yet – go outside! Fresh air does wonders for the body and to clear your mind.
This Earth Day, think about how you can make extra efforts to help the earth. Could you ride-share to reduce your carbon footprint? There are many ways that you can reduce air pollution, and every bit counts.
How are you celebrating Earth Day? What extra efforts are you taking to help keep the earth’s land, water, or air clear of pollutants?